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Children and Youth – February 2025

Update from the Director of Education Ministries -- Amy Grella - 412-801-3723

Service Opportunities for Kids and Families this Month

A main way we engage in our faith together is through mission. Kids learn Jesus is real by using their gifts to help others. Here are current mission and service opportunities for youth and families.

Souper Bowl of Caring – Food Drive through February 9

Join Bower Hill youth in the movement to Tackle Hunger by collecting both monetary and food donations to benefit the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. We’re asking for your help in one of four ways:

1. Share this drive with friends and neighbors by passing along fliers (located on the tables in the narthex) or download and print them here to hand out to your neighbors.

2. Make a monetary donation directly to the Food Bank on-line.

3. Bring your food items to church between now and February 9. There will be a collection box set up near the portico entrance.

4. Collect food after church on February 9. We need four teams of one driver along with 1-2 non-drivers to collect food donations from the fliers we distributed around the neighborhood. We'll meet in Fellowship Hall after church and organize the pick-up teams.

Pittsburgh Area Youth Rise Against Hunger Event on Sunday, February 16

The Presbytery’s Next Gen ministry team has partnered with Rise Against Hunger to coordinate an area-wide mission opportunity open to ALL youth in 6th – 12th grade. We will travel to Hampton Presbyterian Church on Sunday, February 16, and participate in a food packing. This is an excellent event to invite friends, and my hope is that we need a few adult drivers to get our group there! We'll meet at the church at 1:00 p.m. to carpool there and will return in time for dinner at church at that night's ToGather (5:30 p.m.). Please RSVP here to see who's in!

Youth Group Updates

Combined Middle school & high school youth groups

This year, we are scheduling monthly service and fellowship opportunities for youth in grades 6-12. These events will be combined for middle and high school kids. However, during the ToGather events, we will continue the high-school only small group that meets with Pastor Brian. Younger kids (Elementary and Middle school) will meet together for group games. ToGather meets two more Sundays: February 16, and March 2.

Middle and High School Group

02/02 – 4:00 p.m. All-church event at Steel City Squash.

02/16 – 2:00 p.m. Rise Against Hunger Service/Mission Event at Hampton Pres.

02/16 – 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. ToGather (games for kids thru MS, HS small group) then dinner.

Tweens (3rd - 6th grades)

02/02 – 4:00 p.m. All-church event at Steel City Squash.

02/16 – 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. ToGather (games for kids through MS) then dinner.

03/01-02 – Tweener Retreat at Crestfield for 3rd-6th graders.

Check out the upcoming activities page on our website for events for children and youth:

Looking Ahead: Save the Date for these Upcoming Events

Here is a list of future events for your calendar

• March 21-23 Spring Retreat for Grades 6-12.

• July 6-11 Crestfield Classic Overnight Camp for Grades 3-8.

• July 20-25 Crestfield Service Adventure Camp for Grades 6-8 (Middle school).

• July 28-31 Bower Hill’s Vacation Bible School week.


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