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Children and Youth – January 2024

Update from the Director of Education Ministries -- Amy Grella - 412-801-3723

Youth Group Activities

The church website is the best place to find info on current events for children and youth. Bookmark this link and check back regularly: Here are the upcoming meetings by age group.

Middle school youth group

Middle school youth in grades 6-8 will meet in room 110 on Sundays from 6:30-8:00 pm. We will have a short lesson, snacks, and play some games. Once a month, tweens (3rd-5th graders) will be invited to join us for larger group games; no lessons will be done on these nights – just a chance for fellowship and games before our all-church family potluck dinners. Upcoming meeting dates are:

01/07 – 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. All youth games for 3rd – 8th then all-church potluck at 6:00 p.m.

01/21 – 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. MS Youth Group in room 110

02/04 – 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. All youth games for 3rd – 8th then all-church potluck at 6:00 p.m.

02/9-11 – Spring retreat at Ligonier.

Tweens (3rd - 5th grades) will join older youth for a monthly group game night.

All meetings will be from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted We will meet in Room 110.

01/07 – 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. All youth games for 3rd – 8th then all-church potluck at 6:00 p.m.

02/04 – 5:00 -6:00 p.m. All youth games for 3rd – 8th then all-church potluck at 6:00 p.m.

02/24-2/25 – Crestfield Tweener Retreat for 3rd-6th graders

High School (9th - 12th grades)

Senior high youth meet twice a month after worship. One meeting youth go out to brunch together at a local eatery. Then once a month Pastor Brian meets with youth for a theme-based topic and discussion. Each meeting will be immediately following worship and will end by noon. Upcoming meeting schedule:

01/14 - 10:45 am – noon. Brunch out; bring money and meet in Fellowship Hall.

All youth – Souper Bowl of Caring Food Drive

Did you know…1 in 10 children in the Greater Pittsburgh area struggles with food insecurity. In January, Bower Hill Youth will be hosting a Souper Bowl of Caring Food Drive to benefit SHIM’s food pantry. We will be collecting monetary and food donations. Be sure to come to Youth Group on January 7, to learn more and see how you can get plugged in to help.

Upcoming Youth Retreats and Mission Trips

As we head into the new year, it’s already time to register for our “spring” retreats!

WHY is it vitally important for youth to experience retreats? Retreats allow youth to grow by taking them out of their norm and giving them a break from their day-to-day. Youth unplug, breaking their dependence on technology. They get to play outside and tune in with the natural world, instilling a deeper appreciation for the beauty of God’s creation. Sharing new experiences together as a group allows us to get to know each other better and in new and different ways, which make lasting group memories. Youth retreats are all about empowering young people to experience God together and helping them grow in faith.

• 6th-12th grade Ligonier Retreat – February 9-11

Youth in grades 6-12 are invited for a weekend at Ligonier, meeting with other area churches for our annual Spring Retreat on February 9-11. Details to follow, but plan to leave Friday around 6:00 p.m., and return on Sunday by noon. This is a fun, faith-filled event that you don't want to miss! To register, click here or go to the youth activities page on the church website.

• Crestfield Tweener Retreat – February 24-25

We are thrilled to travel to Crestfield for a fun-filled overnight, specifically designed for students in grades 3-6. Registration is open now through February 15. We will leave early on Saturday morning and return by lunchtime on Sunday. To register, click here or go to the youth activities page on the church website.

Summer Mission Trip

Building off our desire to offer more intergenerational opportunities, we are planning a 2024 summer mission trip for older youth AND adults. This trip is for any youth currently in sixth grade or older, including young adults/adults. This year we will choose a drivable location, so no airfare cost will be incurred. The trip will be scheduled based on the best date for the majority interested. A secondary consideration will be given to the type of location (intercity/urban or rural) preferred. Our working timeline is as follows:

• By December 27: Collect input via this form on dates and locations.

• By December 31st: Communicate date, location & participant cost.

• By January 15: Reserve your spot / first round of registration closes.

• Late January/ Early February – Mission trip team meeting to provide details and Q&A.


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