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Children and Youth – July/August 2024

Update from the Director of Education Ministries -- Amy Grella - 412-801-3723 Take a Ride on the Rocky Railway with Bower Hill's VBS: July 29-August 2

At Rocky Railway VBS, kids discover Jesus’ power can pull them through life’s

ups and downs. Bower Hill's VBS will follow a youth-leader model again this year

with pre-school (potty trained) through 2nd grade attending from 9:30 a.m. to noon

each day. Older youth from 3rd grade and up will serve as helpers in the morning,

then stay through 3pm each day for more in-depth activities just for them.

Both campers and older youth volunteers must register to provide emergency

contact information. The cost is $30 for both younger campers (pre-k through 2nd

grade) and older youth. Here are the links to register children and youth volunteers

Your Help is needed to make VBS a success.

When kids were asked what they remember most about their VBS experiences, the top responses include memories of time spent with older youth and adults. Simply put, VBS isn’t VBS without you! Our volunteers are what make a child’s experience memorable. We are especially in need of adults to support our youthleader model for this summer's VBS which takes place July 29 -August 2, from 9:30 a.m. to noon, even if you can only help one or two days. Please sign up to volunteer using this link. Thank you for joining us as we prepare a memorable experience for our young children this year!

VBS Youth Leader Volunteer Training and Decorating Days

Lots of hands make light work! All older youth (completed 3rd grade and up) registered to help lead VBS this year need to attend one of the following decorating / training sessions. The sessions will be on Sundays: June 30, July 14, 21, and 28 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The purpose of these meetups is to align our youth helpers with a specific job for the week, set expectations, learn the Bible stories we’ll be teaching, and then

work to decorate and prepare the church for VBS. Your youth leader may attend all of them, but please make every attempt to be here for at least one so that all youth leaders are ready for VBS. All crafty/creative adults are welcome to these work sessions as well to help prepare for VBS. Contact Amy if you have any questions.

Summer Sunday School and Nursery Coverage

Children from preschool through 8th grade are invited to meet directly downstairs in room 110 before worship begins at 9:30 a.m. Kids will hear a short children’s sermon/biblical-based lesson and then have time to socialize and enjoy our playground. Older youth (5th-8th grade) are invited to join and help lead activities like chalk, crafting, or games for the younger kids. Slots are still available for adult volunteers to help with

Summer Sunday School, especially on Sundays when Amy is out (July 7 and August 4). Please use this link to sign up. Childcare for infants and toddlers will be available in the nursery during the worship service as usual,

but there will be no second hour coverage.

Seeking Small Jobs & Fellowship Visits

In lieu of a youth mission trip, we are seeking opportunities throughout the summer for youth to be in service with and for our congregation. Do you have a project that might be overwhelming to tackle by yourself, or work that would be easier with a few helping hands? Would you like a bit of company from some new faces? Bower Hill Youth would love to connect with you! Simply call the office, or use this link to tell us about your request, and we will contact you to schedule a visit. Thank you in advance for helping our youth group find ways we can serve this summer!

Also, if you are an adult with some spare time this summer, we’d love to have you as part of the team. Please email Amy at to be added to the mailing list when jobs and visits are scheduled.


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