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Director of Education Ministries – January 2023

Update from the Director of Education Ministries -- Amy Grella - 412-801-3723

New Dates for Youth Group beginning in January

Beginning in January, the 3rd-8th grade group will increase meetings to twice a month, typically on the first and third Sunday evenings. The senior high youth group will move their after-church meetings to the second Sunday of the month, mainly to avoid meetups on holiday weekends, when many families are not in town. These dates for the rest of the school year will be: 2/12, 3/12, and 4/16. Kids are welcome to bring friends or neighbors to join in the fun on any activity.

Upcoming Youth Group Meetups

January 1 – (No meeting for 3rd-8th due to the holiday… Happy New Year!)

January 8 – 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Senior high White Elephant party in room 105. Bring a gift no more than $10 in value and a brunch snack to share.

January 15 – 4:00 – 7:30 p.m. (Open to all youth and adults) Meal prep for Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community Church. We will meet in the kitchen. A pizza dinner will be provided for volunteers.

January 17 –4:30-6:30 p.m. (Open to all youth and adults) Serve dinner at Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community Church on the Southside.

February 5 – 6:30-8:00 p.m. 3rd-8th grade youth group. First Annual Pre-Superbowl Event (details forthcoming)!

February 12 – 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.. Senior high brunch out; bring money to cover your meal at a local (TBD) eatery.

Youth Group mission work at The Table at Hot Metal Bridge

We invite you to join Bower Hill Youth Groups as they host The Table at the Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community on the Southside on January 17. We will meet on Sunday night (January 15) to cook the meal including dessert. We will prepare homemade beef stew, bread, and bake cookies. There are lots of ways to support this effort. We need specific food donations, one or two adults to assist our youth in the church kitchen to prepare the meal that night, and volunteers to serve the meal that day. Click here to sign-up to volunteer for bringing food, prepping the meal, and serving at the Hot Metal Bridge. Check your email for additional details on how to participate in this service opportunity alongside our youth.

SAVE THE DATE for these Upcoming Awesome Events!

March 25-26 - Tweener Retreat at Camp Crestfield

We are thrilled to get back on campus at Crestfield for a fun-filled overnight, specifically designed for students in grades 3-6. The Next Generation Team of the Pittsburgh Presbytery is hosting this shortened retreat. We will leave early on Saturday morning and return by lunchtime on Sunday. Look for registration details in January.

High School Summer Mission Trip

A team of high school youth and adult leaders will be traveling to Puerto Rico for a mission trip leaving July 1, 2023. Check your email for further details and information. The first deadline to register for this trip is Sunday, January 8.

January 8 - After-Christmas Pajama Party

Join us for the ninth annual Sunday-after-Christmas Pajama Party! All Sunday school classes will participate on Sunday, January 8. Please report directly to room 110 at the beginning of worship. There will be no children’s sermon in worship, but the nursery will be open that day. Wear your PJ’s and bring a pillow and blanket. We will watch a fun holiday DVD. Donut holes, fruit, juice, and milk will be provided. Plan to stick around afterward to help de-deck the halls.


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