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Director of Education Ministries – March 2023

Update from the Director of Education Ministries -- Amy Grella - 412-801-3723

Upcoming Youth Group Meet-ups

The 3rd-8th grade group meet twice a month, typically on the first and third Sunday evenings. The senior high youth group meets after-church on the second Sunday of the month. Kids are welcome to bring friends or neighbors to join in the fun on any activity.

March 5 – 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 3rd-8th grade youth group

March 10-12 – Spring Retreat at Camp Ligonier for youth in 6th-12th grade

March 12– 10:30 a.m. – noon. Senior high brunch out with Pastor Brian! Bring money to cover your meal at a local (TBD) eatery. Meet in Fellowship Hall.

March 19 – 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 3rd-8th grade youth group.

March 25-26 – Tweener Retreat at Camp Crestfield for 3rd-6th grade

April 2 – 6:30 p.m. -8:00 p.m. 3rd-8th grade youth group.

Youth Group Mission Updates

Blankets for St. Clair Hospital

The youth groups took on a project to make no-sew blankets for St. Clair Hospital. The hospital will gift these blankets to cancer patients. Nineteen blankets were made and delivered. Special thanks to Jen Webler, who not only ordered, but pre-cut strips in all 19 blanket kits! Her contribution of time and talent made it possible for us to do so many blankets, so quickly to meet St. Clair’s request.

Lenten Card campaign

There’s nothing better than getting an unexpected note to let you know someone is thinking of you. Our next mission project is going to focus on filling mailboxes with good old-fashioned notes! This is an inter-generational event – open to both the young and “young-at-heart” alike. During the six Sundays of Lent, we will have a craft cart setup in Fellowship Hall during coffee hour, along with a different prompt each week to encourage you to write a note (or two). There will be a prayer station, where you can leave a prayer request for the person receiving the note, so we can pray for them. We will track the number of cards and note written as a way of quantifying the impact this simple gesture will have on our extended community.

Training for Adult Volunteers

There is upcoming training for adults who volunteer to work with children and youth at Bower Hill. PA state child safety laws require all approved adults to complete refresher training on our child safety policy annually. We have not conducted this training since the pandemic, and so we are getting back to it this year! We are taking this opportunity to gather in-person to reconnect and share our vision and future of our ministry to children and youth, as well as some changes we are making to better meet the needs of the youngest and youth in our care. The training will be held on Sunday, February 26 and March 5, but you only need

Spring Retreats for Youth

This is the last call to register for the following retreat opportunities.

March 10-12 - Spring Retreat at Camp Ligonier

Don’t miss out this time… we will return to Camp Ligonier for a weekend retreat open to all middle school and high school students in grades 6-12. We will partner again with area youth from the six 319 / North Hills churches. We will help with an on-site work/service project on Saturday morning in exchange for (free) use of their adventure equipment in the afternoon.

March 25-26 - Tweener Retreat at Camp Crestfield

The Tweener retreat is a fun-filled overnight event, specifically designed for students in grades 3-6. The Next Generation Team of the Pittsburgh Presbytery is running this shortened retreat, with Crestfield hosting youth from churches across the region. We will leave early on Saturday morning and return by lunchtime on Sunday.

Spring Plant Sale Coming in April

Bower Hill Youth Group will be selling spring plants from Dean’s Greenhouse again this year to raise funds our summer mission trip. Order deadline will be mid-April, with delivery on Tuesday, May 16. We will need helpers that morning to unload the truck, and sort and separate flower orders. Orders will be taken on-line, but paper forms will be available as well. Look for full details and volunteer signups soon.

SAVE THE DATE for these Upcoming Awesome Summer Events!

High School Puerto Rico Mission Trip July 1-7

A team of high school youth and adult leaders will be traveling to Puerto Rico for a mission trip leaving July 1, 2023. Right now, we have 5 people committed to travel, and we are actively recruiting additional youth to get our number closer to 10. Please reach out if you have any questions. Check your email for further details and information.

3rd – 8th Grade Youth Camp at Crestfield July 9-14

Join the youth group as we spend a week away at Crestfield! During the day, we will adventure through challenge activities including ropes courses, canoeing, swamp ball and more. There will be a chaplain on site who will be leading the campers in discovering God’s Word and growing their spiritual life. Campers will enjoy evening activities such as Capture the Flag, Gold Rush (a Crestfield favorite similar to Capture the Flag), and Lip Sync Night. We will also enjoy some quiet moments of song and reflection in our beautiful outdoor chapel at the end of each day. Campers will be housed in the Cottages and Lodge, and weather permitting, will get to experience a camp out night under the stars. Check-in starts at 3 p.m. Sunday. Pick up is at 6 p.m. Friday.

Blast Off with Bower Hill's VBS: July 31-August 4

Join us as we journey to Mars and Beyond on an adventure to explore God's love through music, craft, games and fellowship together. Bower Hill's summer VBS will follow a youth-leader model again this year; with pre-school (potty trained) through 2nd grade attending from 9:30-noon each day. Older youth from 3rd grade and up will serve as helpers in the morning, then stay through 3:00 p.m. each day for more in-depth activities just for them.


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