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Director of Education Ministries – November 2022

Update from the Director of Education Ministries -- Amy Grella - 412-801-3723

Children’s Worship (Preschool - 2nd grade)

Children preschool (potty trained) up to second grade will start in worship with their families. After the Children’s Sermon, kids will be escorted downstairs to room 103, our Children’s Worship space. Children will have their very own worship time using the Godly Play format. Kids will experience Bible stories through seeing, hearing, and hands-on activities. Parents may pick up their children in the classroom after worship ends.

Tweens (3rd - 5th grade) – NOTE NEW LOCATION

The 3rd – 5th graders will now meet during worship in room 110 using the Sparkhouse Holy Moly curriculum. This class will still take place during the entirety of worship service, so kids should go directly to room 110 on Sunday morning. Parents may pick up their children in the classroom after worship ends.

Middle & High School (6th - 12th grade)

Older youth in 6th - 12th grades are invited to remain in worship at 9:30 a.m. with their families.

Upcoming Youth Group Activities

Bower Hill has two separate youth group options: one for 3rd-8th grades, and one for 9th-12th graders. These groups meet once a month on Sunday at the church. Because we are only meeting once a month, it is vital that you make every effort to have your child participate, so we have enough kids to make these groups meaningful. Kids are welcome and encouraged to bring friends.


November 6 – 3rd-8th grade youth group 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Room 110.

November 20 – 9th-12th grade lunch after church (location TBD). Meet in Fellowship Hall

November 11-13 – Fall retreat at Ligonier for both groups, kids in 6th-12th grades

December 4 – White Elephant Gift Exchange and Party

Children’s Christmas Pageant

Bower Hill is excited to prepare for a Children's Christmas Pageant again this year, the first time back since COVID. The pageant will be performed during the special Children's Christmas Eve service at 11 a.m. on 12/24. Kids will use the time in Sunday school during the weeks leading up to it to prepare. Older youth will be engaged to work on props. If you would like to help lead this effort, please reach out to Amy at

Last Call - Youth Fall Retreat at Ligonier

Eight youth in grades 6-12 are registered for our annual Fall Retreat the weekend of November 11-13 at Camp Ligonier. We leave from church on Friday at 6 p.m. and return on Sunday by noon. While registration has closed, we have room for you! Let me know if your child wants to attend.


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