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Eco-Justice Team - September 2022

Great job, kids!

VBS was a “green” event this year, as you already know. The Eco-Justice team sends thanks and admiration to the children and adult volunteers who participated. A lovely oak tree was planted at the entrance to the south parking lot, with yeoman work from the upper elementary/middle school leaders. Kudos to all!

Global Clean Energy Action Forum - September 21 - 23

This September in Pittsburgh, the U.S. will host the first ever Global Clean Energy Action Forum (GCEAF). The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is partnering with Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) to host the 2022 GCEAF. The forum will be held at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center September 21st-23rd. According to, the venue itself, Pittsburgh, is significant. As Secretary Granholm put it, the Steel City of Pittsburgh is “a town that exemplifies how a legacy energy and industrial-dependent economy can be transformed into a technology and innovation powerhouse.”

The three-day event will feature a high-level plenary, topical roundtables with energy and science ministers from 31 countries, CEOs and experts, side events, technology demonstrations, and other activities. The global clean energy transition is aiming to bring “enormous opportunities and benefits” to our communities, workers, and industry. The many varieties of clean energy will be discussed as well as climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic. CMU will bring together a local host committee to ensure voices and perspectives from across our community – including industry, government, labor, non-profit organizations, and philanthropy are included. For more information, visit

Cities around the world are exploring ways to deal with the ever-growing negative effects of climate change. Pittsburgh has the resources to be in the forefront, for which we are grateful!


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