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Get Outdoors - Deer Lakes Park - May 11, 2024

On May 11, 2024, a group consisting of 2 members  of Bower Hill Community Church and 1 non member hiked the Deer Lakes Park trails. Rain was predicted for later in the morning but as we started out, it was a beautiful sunny cool day. We started on the Green Loop in the northern part of the park. We starting the hike with a climb a small hill. Most of the hike consisted of small hills and stretches of level trail. After about ten minutes, through an opening in the trees we could view a small well-kept cemetery.  Next, we turned onto the Blue trail. We were rewarded by various wildflowers along the trail. The trail crossed over Crayfish Drive. As the clouds were rolling in signaling rain was coming, we decided to take the shortest route back. We turned left onto Crayfish Drive then right onto  Mahaffey Rd. After a steep downhill, we got off Mahaffey  Rd and followed paths along 2 of the Deep Parks 3 lakes. We encountered fisherman and families out for a walk. In the stream below the dam there was a duck with 6 ducklings. As we got into the car it started to drizzle which turned a downpour on the way home.


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