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Global Links - Personal Care Kit Assembly

Many hands make light work! Plan to join Bower Hill Youth on Sunday, May 16, immediately following worship in Fellowship Hall, to package the personal care kits for Global Links.

The collection deadline for items has been extended to May 14. Thanks to those of you who have already contributed to this effort! To date, we've collected nearly half the items needed for our goal of 250 personal care kits. Collection bins are located in the hallway outside the church office, and in the narthex on Sundays.

Bower Hill will gather items donated by members and friends to make up the kits. Each kit must include one of each of the following items. All items should be NEW, FULL SIZED, and Individually wrapped -- no travel or extra-large size please. Where possible, please choose gender-neutral, fragrance-free items with less chemicals. Please open the link below to see the specific items still needed and to sign up for what you would like to contribute. We still need the specified number of the items below: Shampoo (159), Dental floss (135), Lotion (134), Toothpaste (128), Deodorant (90), Toothbrush (69), Bar of soap (33).


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