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Lighting the Steeple - December 2022

Lighting the Steeple - Dedications for December are as follows

December 18 - 24 - In memory of Dave Murdoch, by the Carter Family.

December 22-25 - In memory of Donald Richard Farr, by his sister, Lynne Wohleber, for his birthday on December 22, and in honor of his wife, Mary Jane Farr, as she navigates this Christmas without her husband.

December 24 - In memory of our mom, Lucille Heckman, by her family.

December 25 - In memory of Betty B. Mancini by her family.

The opportunity to light the steeple of Bower Hill Community Church continues. Many have sponsored a night in honor of a person or a special occasion. It has also been lit as a way to memorialize a special person who has passed away. Notice of the lighting and the person, event, or date that it commemorates, will appear in the weekly bulletin. The cost of this is $10 a day and can be sent directly to the church. (You will not be billed for this.)

Requests should include; the date(s) you would like to sponsor, the reason you want to sponsor (in honor, in memory, etc.), the name of the person(s) or the event as you want it to appear in the bulletin, and your name. Email your request to: Amy Leasure at MULTIPLE sponsors can share the SAME DATE.


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