As part of the Matthew 25 Initiative, your Mission Committee has been working to build a partnership with Carnegie Presbyterian Church. This congregation recently moved from their isolated high-maintenance building off Ewing Road to the heart of Carnegie on Washington Avenue next to Aldi. There are a lot of new refugee families in Carnegie and the church is working to help them assimilate into the community. Our first project with Carnegie Pres was to provide 50 backpacks for elementary students in the Carlynton School District. The Salvation Army provided the backpacks. Bower Hill provided $1000 to help purchase school supplies and also supplied three books to be included into each bag. The books came from our Flea Market collection and as the children’s offering during Vacation Bible School. Two members of the Mission Committee helped to stuff the bags on a Wednesday afternoon. The photo above shows the stuffed bags ready to be blessed and the Carnegie children (and guard dog, Romeo) who helped with the bag-stuffing.
In addition to this project, we are looking at sustainable ways to support the Free Fridge that is being hosted by St. John Lutheran Church in Carnegie. Our understanding is that items placed in the fridge remain there for less than a half hour. If you want to know more about this, contact Jean Miewald.
The Pittsburgh Presbytery is planning to host pilgrims from Malawi and Sudan from October 5 through October 14. Bower Hill has offered to host a pilgrim during this time. If you are interested in opening your home from either October 5 through October 10 or October 10 through October 14, please contact Jean Miewald. We will also be planning events at church to celebrate this partnership.
The Foundation of Hope is part of the Chaplaincy program at the Allegheny County Jail. Bower Hill and The First Baptist Church of Bridgeville are working together to provide Bibles for incarcerated people in the jail. In addition, we will be collecting hygiene needs through our Giving Tree for this ministry, and we hope to have the Rev. Dr. Charissa Howe speak to us during Adult Ed later in the Fall about their needs and other
opportunities to be involved.