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Ponderings from the Parish Associate - February 2025


There probably is no topic that is discussed more often than weather. It has made front page news even if it is wonderful. Every media seems to comment on what it was like and what it will be. What is interesting is that it is one of the items in our life over which we have no control. Even the biblical references state, “the winds blows where it will.”

The question for us then is how we will deal with each day as it happens. Brooding about it being too hot, too cold, too dry, or too wet won’t change it. I am reminded of that line from the Broadway play, Annie, “the sun will come out tomorrow.” Even in the midst of the depths of despair our God is with us. There will be a tomorrow and there is always a lesson to be learned in the midst of tragedy. Find those things where we can help someone else to have some sunshine in their life. You are always loved…share it!


~Rev. Dr. Fred Leasure, Parish Associate


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