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Ponderings from the Parish Associate - January 2023


What is a sanctuary? One definition has it as a safe place or a place of refuge. Throughout the ages it has also been known as a holy place. A place where on occasion the Almighty revealed himself. As we enter the Sanctuary on a Sunday morning, do we feel that sense of awe and tranquility?

Most often we encounter people running from person to person to greet them. Sometimes it has become an opportunity to enlist someone to be part of a committee or take charge of an event. For others, it is a time to find the hymns and mark their place. Does this really give us time to reflect and experience the opportunity for encountering a holy place?

I would like to suggest that in the 5 to 10 minutes before the worship starts we seek to have a quiet time. To acknowledge others, but save our fellowship time to passing the peace or the fellowship hour. See what listening to the prelude and experiencing the quiet voice of God brings to our worship experience. Let’s try it!

~Rev. Dr. Fred Leasure, Parish Associate


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