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SHIM Garden Season is Starting!

As the weather warms up, it is time to start thinking about starting the garden again for 2024.  BHCC is one of 12 community gardens that provide a variety of fruits and vegetables that supplement the various food pantries that SHIM operates.  Once again, Bower Hill will supply hot peppers to SHIM to spice up their fresh produce selections.  Also this year, the Montessori School is going to have a small garden next to ours that will be dedicated to SHIM.

There are many opportunities to assist with the garden and they are noted below:

·       Offset the Cost of the Plants for the Garden – We will be buying all of the plants this year to make sure we have the right type of peppers.  If you would like to offset the cost of the purchase, you can write a check made out to Bower Hill Community Church and include SHIM Garden in the memo.  Any amount is appreciated.

·       Select a Week for Watering – The garden will require watering throughout the growing season.  Select a week (or two or three) to water the garden using the link below to sign up.  Prior to your week, you will receive instructions for watering.  We could definitely use more helpers this year.  Click to signup

·       Grow Your Own Produce for SHIM – SHIM can always use extra produce of all types.  If you would like to buy a few extra plants this year for your own garden and dedicate a portion for SHIM it would be amazing.  Just bring your extra produce to the church office on Sunday or Monday and we will take it to the SHIM Center with our pepper harvest.


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