This picture was taken at Ruth Bennett Farms in Chester, PA during the youth summer mission trip. What is wrong with it? At first glance, you may think the large dumpster on the court is the reason kids can’t play basketball here. But upon closer examination, notice that the actual rim – not the net, but the entire rim – is missing. Our youth noticed this immediately and began to ask why. We learned that this court, which sits at the end of a cul-de-sac where the beautiful and peaceful farm is situated, was the scene of a deadly drive-by shooting over five years ago. After the incident, Chester Housing Authority (CHA) removed ALL rims from ALL basketball courts in Chester to prevent people from congregating at playgrounds. The closest basketball courts are now a fifteen minute drive away from this neighborhood! Many families don’t have cars and cannot feasibly use public transportation to get to courts. We met with a few local youth who agree that this is incredibly unfair. To advocate for these youth and the local families who use the courts, Natania Schaumburg, Farm Manager, worked with CHA to gain permission to purchase portable basketball hoops that can be secured at night when farm staff are not present. The senior high youth are raising funds to purchase these two portable basketball hoops. If you want to donate toward this effort, we invite you to stop by the basketball hoop in the Narthex and take a ball donation card. Donations can be sent on. Checks should be made out to Bower Hill Community Church and designated "Hoops Fund". We ask all donations to be sent in by October 30. Thank you for supporting Bower Hill youth.